While this question is usually asked in a corporate environment,
it is also asked by end users as well. Many people are under
the false impression that if my anti-virus software has detected
and eliminated a virus, it's not important to anyone else. Nothing
could be further from the truth. I'll start on a global scale
and work down to a company level. By the time I get there, I
hope that you'll see why each incident report is an important
piece of a lager puzzle.
Before we can begin discussing why we should report viruses, we
must understand that there is more than one type of virus. For
the purpose of simplicity, this paper will discuss the virus type
at the most common level. The two most basic (non technical)
types of viruses are wild viruses, and zoo viruses. Simply put
wild viruses have infected someone in a work or home environment.
These differ from viruses that are in collections, or zoos.
Zoos are maintained mostly by researchers and developers. While
some are maintained by private individuals who trade viruses like
baseball cards. The second type of zoo, serves no useful purpose,
and actually defeats the ultimate goal of many legitimate researchers,
the elimination of computer viruses. Viruses in zoos may come
from virus authors who submit their creation to Anti-Virus Companies,
or researchers, from samples submitted by end users who've been
infected by the virus, or from other researchers or trusted sources.
Why is there a difference? Some viruses have not spread far,
or been effective at replicating. However, since their technology,
and methods exist, Anti-Virus vendors need to protect their clients
(users) from these threats. So, now how do we know if a virus
is a wild virus or a zoo virus? This is a by product of reporting.
If a virus is not reported it can not be determined to be in
the wild.
This is the highest level of reporting. There is an organization
of researchers and developers who are building on the work of
Joe Wells, to produce a monthly report known as the wildlist.
The wildlist is contributed to by researchers, developers, and
product representatives world wide. This wildlist is utilized
by several agencies as a base line as to determine minimal protection
standards. These agencies include Secure Computing's Check mark
certification, Virus Bulletin's certifications and evaluations,
International Computer Security Association (ICSA)'s Certification,
and the University of Hamburg's Evaluations. The wildlist is
seen as a minimal standard for any Anti-Virus Product, and relied
upon by many researchers as the authoritative state of the threat
world wide. By using the Wildlist we are able to factor the virus
threat into a measurable value within our risk analysis. This
also tells home users which viruses possess a larger threat to
Right Behind the wildlist group are the developers and researcher
who track the virus threat. These individuals directly or indirectly
have input to the wildlist, and usually run a personal database
of viruses encountered, evaluated and dissected. These are also
the individuals who create the cures and have input to the anti-virus
products. While it's obvious why these individuals need to know
what new or modified viruses are effecting users, it's not so
obvious as to why they need to know about the ones that are already
known about. Like everyone, Virus researchers do not enjoy
working long involved hours, rather they like to try to be proactive
and be prepared for the next virus. In order to do that, you
need to know what viruses are effecting people, which ones have
spread the furthermost, and which are the most technically sound
viruses. The last item is done in a lab setting by replicating
the viruses and seeing which is the most stable across various
platforms and generations. The other two items require user
input, which viruses are out there, and where. With this information
you can develop a picture and work on a method to predict what
techniques future viruses will use, and how to defeat them. With
the knowledge of which viruses are most successful in replication,
the virus researchers and developers are also able to educate
people in the best manner in which to defend themselves.
Taking another step back, there is the company computer security/
LAN Management Team. While these individuals are responsible
for the operations and security of the computers of the computers
on the network, they also must answer to company management, and
to the end users as well. These individuals require accurate
information to provide optimum protection for their network. They
rely on the Wildlist, and alerts from vendors and colleagues to
view the 'large' view of the threat. Larger organizations often
have "in's" to the vendors support team and may also
get special alerts or closed mailing lists, but again this only
helps them see an exterior view. For a direct view these people
need to track what threats are on their network. A few companies
have taken draconian measures with this information and used it
to penalize users, but most use this information to show them
where their weakest link is, and then strengthen it. An example
would be where the sales department is often caught distributing
Macro Viruses. A review of that department shows that a few people
are disabling the installed Anti-Virus Package because it hinders
operations. This practice is condoned by the departmental manager
in spite of company policy. In this case, the department should
be given a class on the dangers of computer viruses, and if necessary,
upgrade the machines to a point where the AV package will not
cause interference. There are individual cases where no matter
how powerful a machine a user is given, they will see AV software
slowing them down to unacceptable speeds. This again is an education
issue. In a larger organization, you run into challenges of multiple
servers. What is the optimum method of updating a large number
of users and servers in a timely manner. Which server or users
should be the priority (physics dictates you can NOT update that
many users at once and maintain a useable network). On the down
side, if end users and LAN Administrators do not report their
infections up the chain, management has been known to pull funding
for Anti-Virus Protection. The mind set here was there is no
threat, we have not been infected in the last number of months,
we do not need to spend money renewing our license. In reality
the LAN Staff had set all client software to clean upon detect.
Since logging was turned off, management did not see the evidence
of the glut of macro viruses, and within a week of removing the
Anti-Virus product was heavily reinfested. The Company wound
up spending more money to clean up and renew the licenses than
if they would have just continued to protect themselves.
At the lowest level of this chain of reporting is the end user
or first line support analyst. Who maybe still be asking, so
why should I take my time to report to anyone? "I'm
only one person, if I have this problem so are others, and they
have more time and can or will report, I don't have the time."
To you I pose this. You rely on the support of every person,
department, organization, company, etc listed above. There have
been accounts of poor Anti-Virus products who relied on the Wildlist
for their detection base (fortunately, they are no longer in business).
Anything not on the wildlist for the last year or so was considered
unimportant and their protection rates slipped. Management does
not toss away money if they do not see where the expenditure does
not turn a profit or offset the projected loss. Without feedback
from the field the researchers cannot see a larger picture and
anticipate the threat to you, and thus provide a better product
or protection to you. You are the foundation. You are the reason
that so many people are working on the problem of computer viruses.
The world of computer virus protection is a circle. Without
reporting the circle is broken. The producers and researchers
are blind and can only see a small limited scope. Viewing that
small of a region, they will do the best they can to protect you,
but the level of protection will not be as good as it could be.
With this knowledge of how your input is put to work, I hope you
now understand how the time spent sending an email message, or
filling out a report form on a webpage is time well spent in your
own self interest. While you may only be one voice, or a small
section, that voice may be an important piece of the puzzle to
someone else up the line. Your report could make the difference
when in comes to the eradication of a virus from your company's
network, or in an extreme case, allow a virus to be classified
in the wild, or not.
© Kenneth L. Bechtel, II Copyright 1998